Fort Worth 817-336-5533
Lubbock 806-491-4911
S. Rafe Foreman
S. Rafe Foreman is the 2021 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award presented each year at the prestigious Educating Advocacy Teachers conference held at Stetson University School of Law.
Rafe is married for 34 years with two daughters that he adores. He is a partner in Hutchison & Foreman PLLC, has been representing people who have been wrongfully accused, discriminated against and/or physically and emotionally injured since 1988. He is a trial lawyer, consultant and professor and tries cases involving criminal defense, plaintiff's: personal injury, civil rights, employment, discrimination, wrongful death, excessive force and 1983 actions. Rafe is Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in the area of criminal law since 1994. He is licensed to practice law in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Missouri and has jury verdicts in each of these states and has litigated cases in Louisiana, South Dakota, Colorado, California Washington, Florida and Arizona just to name a few. Susan Hutchison, his law partner, and Rafe have obtained many record setting jury verdicts throughout Texas and the country. Their most recent verdict was obtained in Dallas Federal Court in May of 2021 where they received a record verdict for their client, a 72-year-old man who was discriminated against based on gender. They have had multiple cases pending before the United States Supreme Court. Rafe has been voted as a SUPER LAWYER for many years in Texas. Rafe is both a retired and current law professor. He has been on the Trial Lawyer’s College Faculty for 20 years and remains an adjunct Professor of Law at Stetson Law. Rafe retried from UMKC Law and the Douglas Stripp Endowed Chair in Advocacy after leading them to highest advocacy ranking in the school’s history. Rafe, along with Professor Tobin created the only jury selection trial competition in the country known as the Show Me Challenge. He holds an undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and a law degree from Texas Tech University School of Law. Rafe is passionate about rectifying discrimination and has a few jury trials left in him yet. Parkinson’s may be his condition but it's not his story.
Summary of Qualifications:
Over thirty-four years’ experience practicing law: criminal defense, trial specialist, plaintiff’s personal injury, malpractice, civil rights, employment, discrimination, wrongful death, excessive force. Thirty-one years teaching and educating experience. Law School Professor teaching Evidence, Voir Dire, Trial Advocacy, Trial Teams and Mastery of Advocacy.
Professional Responsibilities:
Hutchison & Foreman, PLLC- 2021- Present- Senior partner and trial lawyer for Fort Worth - Lubbock, TX law firm. Track cases in multiple jurisdictions.
Hutchison & Stoy, PLLC -2019-2021- Senior trial lawyer for Fort Worth, Texas firm and Lubbock Office.
UMKC School of Law: 2011-2019-RETIRED. Douglas Stripp Chair In Advocacy and Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Law and Director of Advocacy. Full time professor of law.
- National Ranking: at the time of my hire UMKC was unranked in the Advocacy categories:
- 6th Nationally ranked Mock Trial Team 2017 composite results produced by Fordham Law School Rankings (2017)
- 21st Nationally Ranked in Trial Advocacy by US NEWS & WORLD REPORTS (2017)
- A- National Ranking in Trial Advocacy by National Jurist (2016-Present)
- Teaching - Doctrinal course in Evidence. Experiential Learning course in: Trial Advocacy 1 & 2; Mastery of Clinical Advocacy course where students try real cases with professor; Voir Dire course; Ireland study abroad Comparative Advocacy course.
- Supervising - staff, associate professors and adjunct professors.
- Creating and Building Advocacy Program - Responsible for building and creating Center for Advocacy; Overseeing and developing programs that will be a part of the Center; created the Mastery in Advocacy Course, Voir Dire Course, Show Me Challenge, Last Team Standing and Jury Trial Challenge.
- Professional Development - faculty advocacy skills; Development of legal community involvement in and commitment to advocacy program; create and present CLE programs.
- Coaching - Head coach of student Trial Advocacy Competition teams. (8 per semester) Assist with other advocacy teams.
- Creating National Programs - creating, developing and annually hosting the only National Voir Dire Competition in the United States - Show Me Challenge; Created the Jury Trial Challenge, where student compete from voir dire to verdict and the jury verdict determines the winner; currently working on creation of a national web-based Advocacy Journal for UMKC Center for Advocacy. Creation of national programs at EATS conferences. Creation of national training program for JAG Officer Training school. Creation of national training course for Trial Lawyers College as well as psychodrama programs.
- Speaking Engagements - create papers, training materials and present at conferences, conventions and speaking engagements nationally well in excess of ten per year.
- Fundraising - to date raised over $350,000 for Trial Advocacy Team Scholarships; $75,000 for Show Me Challenge Sponsors; over $1,000,000 for the enhancement of the Douglas Stripp Professorship to Chair in Advocacy; Created: Advocacy 500 giving program; Trial Ad Team sponsorship giving, Trial Ad Team expense giving and raised thousands at auction.
Stetson University School of Law: 2012 - Present: Part Time Adjunct Professor of Law.
- Creating, developing and teaching the voir dire portion of the LLM Program in Advocacy and Curriculum in Advocacy, Gulfport, Florida
- 2015 - Present: Creating, developing and teaching the Advocacy Program at Oxford University, Saint Hughes College, Oxford, England, UK
- 2015 -2017: Creating, developing, and teaching course at the University of Central Dublin, Ireland
Trial Lawyer’s College: 2002 - Present - Part time faculty, former FWB President and TLC Board Member (10 years).
- Creating National Programs - creating, developing and teaching national and regional programs for TLC around the country; refine, develop and create new curriculum for instruction; training faculty to teach TLC methods
- Fundraising - to date raised over $5,000,000 in donations and pledges for TLC as a nationwide fund raiser
- Teaching - faculty lead: teaching, training faculty and course development for over 16 years at the flagship course in Wyoming as well as Grad Courses, Death Penalty Course, Judges’ Course, Defense of the Damned Course, regionals in PA, NY, MD, GA, FL, LA, IL, TX, NM, CA, WA, IN, CO
- Teaching - create, train and work with TLC local groups in PA, FL, MD, TX, NM, CO, AZ, CA, WA, OK, MO, KS, IL, IN, MI, WI, MN, TN, MS, AL, LA, AR, NE, SD, WY, UT, ID, NV, OR
U.S. Federal Training: 2013 - Present
- Teaching - creating, developing and training national Federal Trade Commission Lawyers on trial skills and advocacy related matters from depositions to trials in Washington D.C.
- Teaching - creating, developing and training national Federal Aviation Administration Lawyers on trial skills and advocacy related matters from depositions to trials, Kansas City, Missouri. 2016-17
- Teaching - creating, developing and training national Federal Bankruptcy Lawyers on trial skills and advocacy related matters from depositions to trials in Kansas City, Missouri. 2018
- Teaching - creating, developing and training U.S. Armed Forces JAG Officer Lawyers on trial skills and advocacy related matters from depositions to trials at bases throughout the U.S.
Psychodrama Teaching: 2002 - Present - student and trainer of psychodrama skills
- Teaching - 2017-Present: Bridging Harts Psychodrama workshop Dallas, Texas, co-instructor
- Speaking - national speaker and presenter on related topics and clinics. 2018 Plenary Speaker at the ASGPP national convention in Dallas, Texas
Professional Legal Employment:
- 2021 - Present Hutchison &; Foreman senior partner and trial lawyer
- 2020 - Present Trial Lawyer’s College Podcast Host
- 2019 - 2020 -Hutchison &; Stoy senior trial lawyer
- 2012 - present: Adjunct Professor of Law at Stetson University School of Law, Gulfport, Florida
- 2011 - 2019: Douglas Stripp Chair in Advocacy &; Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Law and Director of Advocacy, UMKC School of Law, Kansas City, Missouri.
- 2011 - 2019: Foreman Law Office, Grandview, Missouri
- 2004 - 2011 Foreman, Lewis &; Hutchison P.C., Grapevine, Texas, Partner-law firm; Litigation specialist, criminal defense, plaintiff’s personal injury, malpractice, civil rights, employment, discrimination, wrongful death and excessive force
- 1996 - 2004 Morris &; Morris, LLP - Flower Mound, Texas, Partner
- 1994 - 1996 Hammerle, Finley, &; Foreman - Lewisville, Texas
- 1990 - May 1994 Solo Practitioner Attorney - Post, Texas
- 1989 - 1990 Attorney, Branch Office, Managing Associate - McCreary, Veselka, Beck &; Allen, P.C., 8200-C # 203 Nashville Ave., Lubbock, Texas
- 1988 - 1989 Attorney, Hardie-Hallmark, P.C., 123 N. Kansas, El Paso, Texas
- 1988 - Stanley H. Kaplan LSAT Instructor
- 1987 - Law Clerk, Hardie-Hallmark, P.C., 123N. Kansas, El Paso, Texas
- 1987 - Law Clerk, Shamus &; Perrin, 301 N. Main Street, Roswell, New Mexico
- 1985 - 1986 Law Clerk, Brown, Harding, Brown &; Tabor, 1601 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas
- 1984 - 1985 Academic tutor, Texas A&;M University Athletic Department, College Station, Texas
Professional Licenses:
United States Supreme Court: 2010-Present
United States Federal Courts of Appeal
- United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth &; Tenth Circuits
United States Federal District Courts
- Northern, Western, Eastern &; Southern Districts of Texas
- Western District of Missouri
- Western District of Oklahoma
- All Federal Courts in the State of New Mexico
- All Federal District Courts in the State of Colorado
Texas, December 16, 1988 - Bar #7255200
- 1994-Present -Board Certified - Criminal Law - Texas Board of Legal Specialization
New Mexico, April 29, 1989 - Bar #4161
Oklahoma, September 8, 1997 - Bar #17735
Missouri, July 16, 2014, Bar #66811
Mediation/Arbitration Certification
- Level I &; II training completed February 1992, May 1993
Professional Associations:
Trial Lawyers College:
- Graduate 2002
- F-Warrior Board of Directors- 2002 - 2010
- F-Warrior Board President 2005 - 2007
- Faculty Member 2002 - present
- TLC Board of Directors, Trial Lawyer’s College 2005 - 2014.
Bar Memberships:
- American Bar Association
- Texas State Bar
- New Mexico State Bar
- Oklahoma State Bar
- Sports &; Entertainment Law Section 1988 - 1999
- Lubbock County Bar Association
- Missouri Bar Association
- Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (former)
- Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (former)
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer (former)
- International College of DWI Defense Lawyers (former)
- DUIDLA member 2017 - Present
- Texas Auctioneer Association
Texas A&M University
- B.S. (cum laude) - Agricultural Education - May 1985
- Dean’s List - 4 semesters
- Distinguished Student in Academics - 6 semesters
- President’s Academic List - 4.0 with 23 hours
- Alpha Zeta - Agricultural Honor Society
- Who’s Who Among American Universities and Colleges
- Student Government
- Ghost Speech Writer - Chancellor Arthur Hansen - TAMU
- Buck Weirus Spirit Award
Texas Tech University School of Law
- Doctorate of Jurisprudence Degree - May 1988 - Board of Barristers
- Regional Co-Chairman 1988 Regional Client Counseling Competition
- Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity - Chief Justice
- Moot Court Championship Team, Oralist
- Best Oralist (8 rounds) Advanced Mock Trial Competition
- Quarter Finalist (3 semesters) Advanced Mock Trial Competition
- Advanced Client Counseling Competition
- Mock Trial Team
- Student Bar Association
National Psychodrama Training Center - 1350 hours supervised training in personal and group psychotherapy including personal psychodrama and group sociodrama; 2002- to present
Bridging Harts - psychodrama training - 300 hours supervised training in personal and group psychotherapy including personal psychodrama and group sociodrama; 2007-present
Zerka T. Moreno -- training in personal psychodrama; Oct 2009
Fielding University
- Studies of Psychology (4.0 GPA)
- Masters courses in psychology - 2007
Recent Lectures/Training:
- Missouri Bench Bar Conference speaker, Winning in Voir Dire, Springfield MO 2022
- Stetson University School of Law adjunct professor; Oxford University summer program, St Hughes College, Oxford, UK 2022
- Sr Faculty and presenter: Trial Lawyers College-Voir Dire Course, Drexel Law School Thomas Kline Advocacy Center, Philadelphia, PA 2022
- Course director and senior faculty: Trial Lawyers College- Trial Skills Course, Shangrilah, Red Feather, Colorado 2021
- DUIDLA plenary speaker Chicaco, Il Sept. 2021
- Florida association of criminal defense lawyers Trial demonstration 2020
- Tennessee Asso. of Criminal Defense lawyers paper and speech on winning in Voir Dire 2020
- Trial Lawyer’s College -Mo ranch senior faculty and teaching demonstration an opening statement 2020
- Nevada Justice Association keynote speaker on Winning Voir Dire 2020
- FACDL presenter on why lawyers should win in Voir Dire 2019
- ASGPP National Convention Plenary Speaker, Dallas, TX April 2018
- (first attorney plenary speaker)
- DUIDLA National Convention Speaker, Florida, April 2018
- Civil Jury Trial Demonstration, UMKC speaker and presenter on voir dire CLE April, 2018
- Federal Trade Commission Lawyer Deposition Training, Washington D.C. March 2018
- U.S. Armed Forces JAG Officer Training, Los Angeles, CA March 2018
- Trial Lawyers College Teaching, Annapolis, MD, Faculty Lead January 2018
- Iowa Association for Justice Convention- 2nd Circle, Plenary speaker, November 2017
- Alaska Trial Lawyers’ Conference- Damages, Alaska Trial Lawyers, October, 2017
- Trial Lawyers College - Defense of the Damned, Dubois, WY June 2017
- U.S. Armed Forces JAG Officer Training, Savannah, GA June 2017
- Bridging Harts Intensive Psychodrama workshop training, Richardson, Texas May 2017, 2018
- U.S. Armed Forces JAG Officer Training, Santa Fe, NM May 2017, March 2018
- U.S. Armed Forces JAG Officer Training, Middletown, RI April 2017
- Communication Energy, Loyola Los Angeles, EATS program, LA, CA Dec. 2016
- Advocacy Training, St, Hugh’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, England UK Aug. 2016, 2017, 2018
- Federal Trade Commission Deposition Training, Washington, DC, June 2016
- Ohio Association for Justice Nation Convention Plenary speaker, November 2016
- Teaching the Voir Dire Section of the LLM in Advocacy Program at Stetson University College of Law, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
- Winning Voir Dire: Using Second Circle Energy, Missouri Assoc. of Trial Attorneys, Lake of the Ozarks, June 28, 2015
- Winning Voir Dire: Using Second Circle Energy, Trial Lawyers College, June 25, 2015
- Federal Trade Commission Deposition Training, Washington, DC, June 2015
- Psychodrama and Persuasion, Educating Advocates: Teaching Advocacy Skills seminar, Gulfport, Florida, May 2015
- The Art of Persuasion, Trial Academy of the Federal Bar, September 16, 2014
- Trial Skills in Advocacy, Trial Lawyers College, Wyoming, July 2014
- Analysis of Jury Selection, Missouri Paralegal Association Seminar, June 20, 2014
- Comparative Advocacy: US System to Europe System, Ireland/Wales, May/June 2014
- Psychodrama and Persuasion, Educating Advocates: Teaching Advocacy Skills seminar, Stetson University, Gulfport, FL, May 2014
- Planning & Preparing Evidence for Trial in Matrimonial Cases: Is There Anything Sacred Anymore? Missouri Bar Family Law Conference, Lake Ozark, MO, August, 2013
- Solo & Small Firm Conference (two lectures), Voir Dire and Litigation, Branson, MO, June 2013
- Trial Lawyer’s College Death Penalty seminar, Dubois, WY, June 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
- Educating Advocates: Teaching Advocacy Skills seminar, Stetson University, Tampa, FL, May 2013
- Trial Lawyer’s College Death Closing Arguments seminar, Pottsboro, Texas, May 2013
- Opening Statements and Closing Arguments, Missouri Bar Labor & Law Symposium, November 2012
- Voir Dire Seminar, Trial Lawyers College (Illinois), October 2012
- Impeachment, Missouri Bar Family Law Conference, August 2012
- Graduate Course, Trial Lawyers College, August 2012
- Guiding Jurors to Courageous Verdict, Trial Lawyers College, June 2012
- Winning Your Case in Voir Dire, UMKC School of Law CLE, May 2012
- Educating Advocates, Stetson Law, May 2012
- Trial Techniques CLE to Lawyers from MO and KS, May 2011
- Public Defender Training, Senior Faculty (4 days), May 2011 (Texas)
- Lawyers USA Feature article on “Damages” - National Lawyer Weekly Publication published May 2011 (Nationally)
- Advocacy Training, Stetson School of Law-Guest Faculty, panel member and staff, May 2001 (Florida)
- Auctioneer for “Faces of Innocence” Fundraiser and Gala, May 2011 (KC, MO)
- Trial Lawyer’s College - Senior Faculty and Faculty lead (8 days) - July, 2011 (Wyoming)
- Effective Communications CLE course with Josh Karton taught to 30 MO/KS lawyers, August 2011 (KC, MO)
- Trial Lawyer’s College, Graduate Course, Senior Faculty (5 Days), August 2011 (Wyoming)
- Lawyers USA - Feature story on What Lawyers Could Learn from Auctioneers published Aug. 30, 2011(Nationally)
- Psychodrama and Trial, presenter and lecture, August 2011-present (Texas)
(More upon request)
Honors and Awards:
- 2022 - Present - Elite Lawyer
- 2021 - Lifetime Achievement Award Stetson School of Law & EATS Conference
- 2019 - OACDL Superstar Presenter Award Ohio 2019
- 2018 - US NEWS & WORLD Reports nationally ranked Trial Advocacy Program
- 2018 - Tournament of Champions Qualifier for Fall 2018
- 2016 - 18 - A- rating for Trial Advocacy Program by National Jurist
- 2017 - 18 Finished 6th in Nation in Trial Advocacy, Fordham Law Rankings
- 2017 - Tournament of Champions Qualifier for Fall 2017
- 2017 - 21st Nationally Ranked Advocacy Program, US News and World Reports
- 2017 - Top Gun National Quarter Finalist, 3rd in Nation 2017 (coach)
- 2017 - National Finalist and Regional Winner NTC 2017 (coach)
- 2017 - National Finalist and Regional Winner AAJ 2017 (coach)
- 2016 - Expert Network Award 2017
- 2016 - Top 1% Attorney’s In America 2016
- 2015 - “Toughest Professor” Runner-up - UMKC Law Student Body
- 2014 - National Finalist - National Trial Competition - Instructor
- 2014 - South Texas Challenge Trial Advocacy Competition - Octofinalist - Instructor
- 2011 - Disability Rights - Texas Award
- 2010 - Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly Magazine
- 2009 - Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly Magazine
- 2008 - Richard “Dick” Cerza NATIONAL Speedway Children’s Charity Award
- 2008 - Law Dragon’s Top 500 Lawyers in America
- 2008 - Top Attorney - Fort Worth Magazine
- 2008 - Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly Magazine
- 2007 - FW Board President’s Gavel Award
- 2007 - Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly Magazine
- 2006 - Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly Magazine
- 2006 - Volunteer of the Year - Speedway Children’s Charity
- 2006 - TAA Auctioneer’s Educational Award
- 2005 - Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly Magazine
- 2005 - Top Attorneys- Fort Worth Magazine
- 2004 - Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly Magazine
- 2003 - Outstanding Service Award Lewisville ISD
- 2003 - Lewisville Education Foundation - Scholarship honoree
- 2002 - Trial Lawyer College - Class President
- 2002 - One of 48 attorneys in U.S. selected to attend Trial Lawyer’s College
- 2001 - Flower Mound Leadership Class award
- 2000 - Who’s Who Among American Lawyers
(More upon request)
- Member Idalou Methodist Church
- Volunteer of the YEAR - 2008 Speedway Children’s Charities
- Hundreds of Charity Auctions for various organizations - 1987 to present (over $25 million raised for charities so far)
- Former- Parker Square Playhouse Board of Directors - Flower Mound Community Theater
- Panhandle Heritage Foundation - Life Member
(More upon request)
Publications, Journals, Periodicals:
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Qualified Immunity: A Legal Fiction That Has Outlived Utility, Ohio Northern University Law Review Vol. 48, P. 504 (2022)
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Communication Energy: Decoding Voir Dire, book in editing 2018
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Damages, A New Perspective, 2017-18
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Winning Voir Dire: Using Second Circle Energy, 2014-2018
- Foreman, S. Rafe, The Art of Persuasion, September 2014
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Direct Exam, The Warrior, Spring 2010
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Never Try A Case Alone Again, The Warrior, Spring 2008 at p. 48-55
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Free To Be, The Warrior, Spring 2008, at p 1-4
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Making the Courtroom YOUR Stage By Inspired Imagination, The Warrior, Fall 2008, at p. 13-21
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Transition, The Warrior, Summer 2007, at p. 1-2
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Courage, The Warrior, Spring 2007 at p. 1-2
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Texecuted, The Warrior Fall 2007 at p. 17-19
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Hope, The Warrior, Summer 2006 at p. 1-2
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Healing, The Warrior, Fall 2006
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Why are We Here? The Warrior, Fall 2006 at p. 1-2
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Where Do We Begin?, The Warrior, Winter 2005 at p. 1-2
- Foreman, S. Rafe, Do You Hear What I See?, The Warrior, Summer 2004 at p. 35-40
- Foreman, S. Rafe, She Won Her First Case, The Warrior, Spring 2004 at p. 14-15
- Foreman, S. Rafe, In Search of The Emotional Truth, The Warrior, Fall 2003, p. 34-38
Sample Papers Written, Presented and Published in CLE Materials:
- “Show Me Challenge” Voir Dire Competition; created and presented, UMKC School of Law, April 2012-2019
- Foreman, Winning In Voir Dire, presented nationally over ten times from 2012-Present
- Foreman, Discovering The Story of Your Case, 45th Annual Institute of Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, Indianapolis, Indiana (2009)
- Foreman, Making The Courtroom Your Theater, 45th Annual Institute of Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, Indianapolis, Indiana (2009)
- Foreman, Making The Courtroom YOUR Stage by Inspired Imagination, Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Conference, Branson, Missouri, (2008)
- Foreman, The Intoxilizer 5000- More Questions Than Answers, Texas Criminal Defense
- Lawyers Association, “The Effective Use and Confrontation of Experts in Criminal Trials” Fort Worth, Texas (2002)
- Foreman, Illegal Enhancements, Advanced Criminal Law Seminar, Tombajar, Costa Rica, (2001)
- Foreman, The Intoxilizer 5000- more Questions Than Answers, Advanced Criminal Law Seminar, Grand Cayman Islands (2000)
- Foreman, DWI and Administrative License Revocation, Advanced Criminal Law Seminar, Palm Beach, Aruba at page 34-60 (1999)
- Foreman, Minors & Intoxication, Advanced Criminal Law Seminar, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, (1998)
(More upon request)
Representative Jury Trials:
Hundred or more jury trials since 1988 but here are ten representative samples:
- Eaves vs. Carrier Corp, CA No: 3:19 CV-1153-B, $4,000,000 jury verdict in US District Court Dallas division. 72-year-old white male prevailed on claim of gender discrimination. 2021
- Salcido vs. State of New Mexico, consolidated on Appeal as State v. Nunez, 2 P.3d 264 - changed Constitutional law in the State of New Mexico and made new constitutional law for the state on the issues of collateral estoppel and double jeopardy in criminal cases and civil forfeitures.
- Cathie Williams vs. Waffle House, Inc., 2005 WL 1309225, (Verdict and Settlement Summary) (Tex.Dist. Apr 27, 2005) (N0. 67-198284-03). P Sexual harassment jury verdict
- Adam Bennett, Plaintiff, v. Dallas Thegical Seminary, et al., Defendants, 2005 WL 4827287 (Trial Order), (Tex.Dist. Oct 13, 2005) - sexual abuse by minister and liability from Seminary
- Shirley Nagel, individually and as representative of the Estate of Joel Don Casey v. Harris County, Texas; G. Young; D. Gehring; D. Thomas; and J. Cavitt, 2009 WL 3864806, (Verdict and Settlement Summary) (Tex. Dist. March 02, 2009) (N0. 2007-08301) 1983 and P wrongful death verdict.
- Maria Guadalupe NEVAREZ, Terry S. Stevens, Administrator of the Estate of Encarnacion Nevarez, Miguel Nevarez, Encarnacion Nevarez, Jr., Alfredo Nevarez, Plaintiffs, v. The County Of Finney County, Kansas, (Serve: Pete Olson, County Administrator 311 N. Ninth Garden City, Kansas 67846), Kevin Bascue, in his Individual and Official Capacity, Jerry Quint, in his Individual and Official Capacity, Robert Pacheco, in his Individual and Official Capacity, Stanley, 2004 WL 2079678, 2004; 1983 and wrongful death case (settled on courthouse steps)
- Wesley Landsfeld v. Comptroller, State of Texas; State of Texas, 2009 WL 3802465, (Verdict and Settlement Summary) (Tex. Dist. Oct. 25, 2009) (N0. 96-219-034-06) AGE discrimination P verdict
- Stroud v. Metropolitan Medical Society of Greater Kansas City, 2005 WL 4230064, (Verdict and Settlement Summary) (Unknown State Ct. (Mo.) June 2005) (N0. 4CV217147) Whistle Blower P verdict.
- Kathy Nieves v. East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Services and Jeremy Cox, 2008 WL 4488703, (Verdict and Settlement Summary) (Tex. Dist. Aug 29, 2008) (N0. 69987) Sexual Harassment P Verdict
- Davis vs. Texas Lime Co., 2005 WL 6042276, (Verdict and Settlement Summary) (Unknown State Ct. (Tex.) June 2005) (N0. C200200254) P verdict
- Peterson v. City of Fort Worth, Texas, 2008 WL 440301 (N.D.Tex. Feb 19, 2008)
- Judge Jane J. Boyle, US Federal District Judge - Northern District Texas- Dallas 1100 Commerce St room 1520 Dallas TX 75242-1003 courtroom 1516 chambers 214.753.2740.
- Charles H. Rose, Dean & Professor of Law, Claude W. Pettit College of Law, Ohio Northern School of Law, Tilton hall of law 108, 525 S Main St, Ada, Ohio 45810. phone 419-772-2209
- The Honorable Judge David Garcia, Denton County Criminal Court #3, 1450 East McKinney Street, Suite 4420, Denton, TX 76209-4524 (940) 349-2180
- The Honorable Judge Doug Robison, 393rd JDC Denton County, 1450 East McKinney Street 4th Floor, Denton, TX 76209-4524 (940) 349-2360
- The Honorable Judge Stephen R. Bough, US Federal District Judge, Western District of Missouri, Charles Evans Whittaker U.S. Courthouse, 400 E. 9th Street, Kansas City, MO 64106 District Court: (816) 512-5000
- Susan Hutchison, Attorney, 505 Pecan St #101 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (817) 820-0100
- J. Cody Barnes, CPT, JA "Training Officer”, Defense Counsel Assistance Program, 9275 Gunston Road, Bldg. 1450, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060, John.c.barnes88.mil@mail.mil (703)-693-0301
- Sarah Toney, Adjunct Professor, Loyola University of Chicago School of Law, Attorney and Professor: 105 West Adams St. Suite 3800, Chicago, Il 60603 (312) 584-1933.
- Ron & Paula Estefan, Attorneys, 2306 Mason Street, Houston, Texas 77006 (713) 333-1100
- Greg Westfall, Attorney, 1701 River Run Suite 801, Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 928-4222
(More upon request)